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Requirement for Super Game Master.

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1 Requirement for Super Game Master. Empty Requirement for Super Game Master. Sat Dec 13, 2014 9:37 pm



Dear Soldiers!

The recruitment for Super Game Master is currently closed.

In order to be able to apply for either of the positions, you must fulfill the following criteria:

You must be eighteen or older to apply for Super Game Master position.
You must have enough free time (at least couple of hours per day) to fulfill the S-GM obligations.
You must be able to speak and write English fluently.
You must have some experience in-game and on forums.
You must be able to work impartially and you may not have any personal motives to use your powers as staff member against any specific person or group.

Besides the mandatory requirements mentioned above, the following characteristics may be considered as assets when applying:

Ability to speak additional languages besides English.
Earlier experience as moderator or supervisor on forums, games or elsewhere.
Knowledge in web designing, coding, graphics, 3D works or sound engineering.

Any registered violations against our rules may have negative effect on your chances on getting recruited for either of the positions. Also any applications sent whilst the recruitment is closed will not be accepted, and any applicant found intentionally providing false personal information will have their application disqualified besides other possible counter-actions that may be taken against him/her.

If you meet the criteria and wish to apply for either of the positions, please send at least the following information through PM.Please notice that submitting the application requires forum account.

IGN (In-game name)
First name
Last name (optional)
Native language
Additional languages and your expertise with them (optional)
Hobbies and interests (optional)
E-mail adress
A short but personal description explaining why you want to become a GM, what would you bring to the staff team, and why we should pick you instead of other applicants.

If you fit the criteria and we see potential in you, we may answer your PM.

Best Regards,

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